Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Connection to Resilient Figures

I have many unimportant connections with our figures, but I am going to focus only on those which show the meaning that we are trying to convey.

First of all, Moses is a main figure in Jewish thought/religion. The Jewish religion is "the older brother of Christianity", so logically Moses is a major figure is Christianity. I connect with Moses because our religions are so similar, and Moses is such a major figure in my religion. I connect with Peter Fritsch in the same way. Although I have never been persecuted for my religion in a way that either of these two have, I have often guessed at what it might be like to live knowing that the reason someone dislikes or even hates you is, not what do or how kind/unkind you are, but your religion. Another, less important connection, is that I live in a country that many people consider to be like the modern day Promised Land. A place where religion and race are tolerated and accepted more than almost any other country, although there are a few people who are not as accepting. I believe Mr. Fritsch came here for this reason, and Moses went to lead his people to a land similar to this one we live in now.

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