Wednesday, January 31, 2007


"...let my people go!"

Moses tells this to Pharoah, following what God instructed him to do. He uses this as a warning to tell pharoah that if he doesn't comply he will pay great consiquences. Moses feels unworthy to do this, for he says that he is not perfect. He went up to the most powerful man in the world and stood up to him knowing that he had God's help and a just cause. Moses fought pharoah and was turned down and came back and used the same quote again. In all, I think that this quote shows Moses' resilience more than any others in the Bible.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I think that if someone had to pick a quote from Moses, it would probobly be the one you chose. I would have picked this quote because of how much it meant at the time that Moses said, and, for the fact that it is the only quote that pops right into my head.

What are some other meaningful quotes that are not quite as well know?