Thursday, February 1, 2007


The song that I am thinking of writing, would be in the the style of a rock opera, such as "Jesus Christ Superstar" or "RENT". I would make it so the listener or reader of the lyrics would not fully understand exactly who or what the song was about, but would understant the underlying theme, resilience. I would also like to make it clear to the listener that this song is about escaping to/and freedom. I hope to also have the music reflect these emotions in a way that creates a mood that the listeners is not quite able to explain. I am not sure if I will write my own music or borrow music from another composer(if this is allowed), but which ever I choose, I will be certain that the music is correct for the lyrics and they compliment each other well. I was think of calling the song "Exodus" because of its connection to Moses, in the book of Exodus, and the connection to Sam's grandfather who was part of an Exodus from Austria.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I think it's great that you are tying in something that you really enjoy (musical theater) into your project. I think that the qualities in musical theater songs will make your songs very unique and fun to listen to.