Thursday, March 1, 2007


I learned many skills during the Resilience Cafe Project, but sadly, I knew a lot about the topics we chose before we started the projects, so I learned little in terms of content. Some of the skills I learned were: how to improvise while working with hammer and nail(our art project was very difficult to nail together, so we had to nail from different directions and use screws to finish the project), how to use a recording studio, and how to use InDesign. I think that knowing how to use a hammer and nail is helpfull in the real-world because at my own home I might have to make a repair and knowing how to hammer could help save me money, and not to mention make beautiful art. Using a recording studio could be very helpful if I go into a career that involves playing an instrument or singing. InDesign is an important tool for any profession because you need to write, and sometimes InDesign is the best place to do that. Even though I didn't learn much in content, I learned so many real-life skills that I would say I exceeded expectations in that catergory.

For Resilience Cafe, we were required to present our music to an audience. I was not totally happy with my groups preformance. We did our piece on our two resilient figures(Peter Frtisch and Moses), but we could not use a piano, so we had to use our voices instead. For some reason, the audience thought that this was very ammusing, so they started laugh, so we started laugh during our song. The audience enjoyed our piece very much, but the laughing was unintentional, so I would have to say that we met expectations in this catergory.

I think that our work was quite beautiful. We worked extremely hard on the art piece and the music. I think that one reason our work turned out the way it did was because both of us worked on both equally. I think that this was a good idea because neither of us felt stresses or that one was doing more work than the other(well, at least I feel this way). I am also very proud of my writing because I am not used to having to limit my writing to only 100 words, and I feel that I did very well for being my first time.

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