Monday, January 22, 2007

5 Ws

Who: Moses or in Hebrew Moshe which means "the one who draws out" or "drawn out"

What: Moses lead the enslaved Jews from their captivity in Egypt. Although he died before he reached the Promised Land, he lead the Jews for almost the entire journey. He is also the one God gave the Ten Commandments to. He and his brother Aaron, with God's help, used miracles to intimidate and defeat the Egyptians. He is a large figure in Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Mormon religion.

When: Between 1300 and 1150 B.C.

Where: In Egypt and other nearby areas(while Moses was in exile and leading the Jews from Egypt)

Why: He lead the Jews because God appeared to him(in the burning bush) and helped him in his quest. He also was a compassionate person, and wanted to lead his people to freedom.

The connection between Moses and Sam's grandfather Peter Fritsch is quite strong. First, they both left a persecuted life to live in a place where they were free. Second, they were both Jewish, and Jews were persecuted for being Jewish at the time. Finally, they both left where they felt was home to go to a new country/land where they would be free.

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